What happened

Find out what happened in the year you were born or even on the exact date. Or use this information to write nice birthday wishes for your loved ones. Which celebrities were born, which movies were populair or what great events happened on the dat you were born.

IMDB or the Internet Movie Database gives you a complete list of all the things that happened in the magical world of movies. Find out who was born, who died or what great movies were populair in the year of preference.

If you want to search even more accurate then you can search which celebrities were born on a specific date. Find out who was born the same day as you.

Want even more information about the day your were born. Check out what Wikipedia has to offer, this online encyclopedia gives you all the facts and numbers you could posible want. Now start and find all the important facts that happened on the day of your birth.

Let's see what we can find, for example on 3 december 1976.

  • There was an assassination attempt on Bob Marley. Bob Marley got shot twice but survived the attack. Two days later he played another concert.
  • The american football player, Cornelius Griffin was born. 
  • 1976 was the year of the first Rocky movie. Starring Sylvester Stallone and Burt Young
  • The horror movie 'The omen' . The Omen received mostly positive reviews from critics and is considered by many as one of the best films of 1976, as well as one of the best horror films ever made. 
You can findstons of information about each day of the year. Do something creative with the info and write the most unique birthday wishes.

Hopefully you will be able to find all the information you need. Good luck on your quest!